Friday, October 25

Eat ♡ 55 Cafe & Restaurant

It's time to eat again ^^
Bring my mum go for lunch.

- 55 Cafe & Restaurant -
They offers mediterranean-inspired cuisine and tapas in an informal setting.
The menu features a variety of light, tasty dishes,
with daily specials depending on what's fresh at the market that day.

The service good ( include those foreigners worker) ,
the pasta price is almost same with italiannies(gurney paragon)
but the food here is more delicious, strongly recommend!!!!
Between, the waiter is so handsome, woohoo!!

55 Cafe & Restaurant
Add: 47-55 Lorong Stewart Georgetown Penang
Tel: +604 261 2261
Business Hours: Open daily, 9am-5pm

Monday, October 21

Eat ♡ Eté Art

Monday and raining,
It's so bored,
We decide to have a tea-time.

Eté Art @ Lebuh Carnarvon

He choose Brazil Santos coffee,
I choose flower melon green tea,
and a cream puff.

The environment not bad,
but the space is too small,
only have 4-5 table,
it can fix around 15 people only.
But if you like coffee,
you must have a try on it!
Enjoyyy !!

Eté Art @ Lebuh Carnarvon
Address:79 Lebuh Carnarvon Georgetown 10300 Penang
Business Hours: 11:00 am – 6:30 pm
Contact No.:017 4350922

Saturday, October 19

BFF ♡ Helena Wedding Dinner

-19 Oct 2013-

It's our Sister Helena Wedding,
We gonna close early 1 hour to attend her dinner.


Saturday, October 12

Movie ♡ Escape Plan

- Escape Plan-

Ray Breslin (Stallone), the world`s foremost authority on structural security, agrees to take on one last job: breaking out of an ultra-secret, high-tech facility called "The Tomb." But when he is wrongly imprisoned, he must recruit fellow inmate Emil Rottmayer (Schwarzenegger) to help devise a daring, nearly impossible plan to escape from the most protected and fortified prison ever built.

Thursday, October 3

Eat ♡ Coffee Elements

Coffee night,
It's very boring night,
and we decide go to coffee shop "kap siao".

- Coffee Elements @ All season place -

I get Choco Nutella,
He get Caramel Latte,
And we order an Egg in ham Bagel.

I like the environment,
The drink and food not bad,
too bad is too early close >.<

Good service and reasonable price !

Coffee Elements @ All Season Place
Address:No.6G-2-17 & 6G-AF2-17 All Seasons Place, Lebuhraya Thean Teik,11500 penang
Contact No.:012 4782693
Opening Hours:星期一至五10:30am | 星期六至日8:30am
Closing Hours:星期日至四 11pm | 星期五至六 12am

Share ♡ 习惯



1、随时能联系到彼此。因为生活学习工作的原因,两个人经常分开是难免的,而对现在的我们来说,手机应是我们最主要的联系工具。不要没事就关机,或者不带 电话,电话没电要及时换电池、充电。我给你打电话,不是要监督你、检查你,而是要知道你平安,你现在很好。所以,请24小时开机,如果当时因为种种原因没 有接电话,事后一定要马上打回来,主动说明原因。

2、经常谈心,让彼此知道对方的想法。这一点是两个人长久相处最重要的一点。不沟通哪来的彼此了解,不了解怎么能形成默契。你也不用像做思想汇报一样的说 自己的心理活动。就像聊天一样,说说自己身边发生的事,自己的想法,或者说说两个人之间的相处之道。谈恋爱谈恋爱,不交谈怎么恋爱?不要把什么都憋在心 里,这样你憋得难受,我猜得也难受,女人本来就是爱胡思乱想的。往往很多事,你把它说出来,反而倒没事了。你什么都不说,只会没事变有事,甜蜜变伤心。

3、 吵架要发泄出来,不能隔夜。两个人在一起,吵架是避免不了的。但是希望两个人不要冷战,可以争吵,可以打架。让彼此都发泄出来,这样才不会生病。更不要隔 夜,生气睡觉是最容易死人的,除非你是没心没肺的那种,躺下就着,一点事儿没有的。但最好还是当天解决,因为很多事往往越搁越难解决。

4、互相尊重。不光说话要互相尊重,还要尊重彼此的思想、行为。尤其是在对方朋友面前,不要过分的显示你有多么牛,你一定要占上风,因为主角本来就不是 你。不是说,你在他朋友面前,一定要给足他面子,贬低自己,那样他在朋友面前就会显得怎么怎么样,就是爱他、尊重他。而是说不要刻意的贬低他,显示自己, 而是要互相捧着说,那样才会让别人觉得你们是互相尊重,感情平等的。

5、不要跟异性朋友没完没了的联系。每个人都有异性朋友,这也不是什么不好的事情。反而能说明你这个人心理很健康。但是你的异性朋友不要太多,超过同性朋 友更是有问题的。联系可以,但不要太过频繁。有这么一句话:“跟爱人吵架,跟陌生人说心里话。”你跟异性朋友永远是温柔的,心里话都说给她们。可是跟爱人 却是冷漠的,惜字如金的,什么心里话都不说。那么你们的感情肯定经不起一点儿风浪,和平也只是暂时的,一旦对方受不了了,爆发了,那么你们肯定就完蛋 了。

6、不要吝啬你的嘴。两个人交往,甜言蜜语是应该的,这也是最增进感情的一种方式。不要因为在一起时间久了,觉得没必要说这些了,就吝啬自己的嘴,情话要 经常说。三天没见就必须说想念,不想也得这么说。“不就是才一个月见不到吗?”这种话绝对不能说,太伤人心。





Tuesday, October 1

Share ♡ Brilliant Loveheart Lip Care

I have a cracked lip,
always in dry conditions.
And i have braces on my teeth,
my lip are more dry!

Recently I have read Anerly blog,
I see her recommendation for Brilliant Loveheart Lip Care 3 Step System.

Brilliant Loveheart Lip Care 3 Step System
1Step lip mask - Exfoliation
2Step lip gel patch - Lip Pack : Moisturizing , Hydrating
3Step lip essence - Hydration Layer Vitality

1 step Lip mask : Exfoliation

1. Moisture, mineral supply
Macadamia seed oil with high minerals, proteins, and vitamins revitalize the skin cells to restore moisture and repair cracked lips

2. Dead cell removal, Anti-oxidizing effect
AHA in grape seed oils removes dead cells for smooth, moist lips

2 step Lip gel patch: Moisture supply

1. Calming moisturizing
Alantoin substance helps restore the smooth look on your lips

2. Moisture sustenance skin barrier strengthening
The honey extract and seramide strengthens the skin barrier and also helps retain moisture within the skin, ultimately preventing cracks and lip fragments from rising

3 step Lip essence: Nutrition supply, Energizing

1. Skin protection
It restores the damaged skin barrier and also helps with calming

2. Highly effective moisturizing
The squalene reconstructs natural barriers, enhances vitamin A & E, and moisturizes the lips

It's really work on my lip,
I love the result and effective after tried.
Recommended to use!

Gets yours from

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Instagram: zooey_house

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