Wednesday, August 22

Movie ♡ The Expendables 2

Movie day~

-The Expendables 2

The general feeling about the first movie was 
that it wasn’t as good as its line-up.
 That may change here with Stallone handing
 over directing duties to Simon West (Con Air, Tomb Raider, The Mechanic). 
At this stage there are lot of rumours regarding casting,
 but it seems that Schwarzenegger will do a week’s shooting,
 Bruce Willis will do two weeks, Steve Austin is back 
(despite being set on fire and knocked out), 
Donnie Yen has been offered a role, 
former Robocop Peter Weller is probably on board, 
and Jean-Claude Van Damme and Chuck Norris are maybes.
 I love the concept behind these movies,
 let’s hope they can match it with a compelling story or at least some stunning fight scenes. 



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